Temple of umi

Upcoming healing retreats in USA TEMPLE OF UMI

Welcome to Our Upcoming Healing retreats in USA - The journey to wellness and healing is a courageous step. Whether you suffer from depression, anxiety, childhood, or ancestral trauma, or are just in the process, we honor your courage. As you evaluate aspects that led you to this path, allow yourself to connect fully to get the most from your Ayahuasca journey by focusing on your Mind, Body, and Spirit.


Whether you are on a self-discovery quest or seeking to heal your soul and your spirit from past trauma, we are here, holding spaces for you as you go through this healing journey. We honor your courage and applaud your decision to get closer to the universe. We are here to serve you in the utmost sacred process toward true consciousness.

Journey well!

The world around us is changing. Are you one of them?

Ayahuasca retreat, the Amazonian psychoactive drink, is undoubtedly familiar to you. Perhaps you’re thinking of taking a life-changing trip deep into the Peruvian rainforest to sample the bitter black tea that has been made for generations. You’ve undoubtedly also heard that using Ayahuasca retreat is no laughing matter. The sensations can be vile, overpowering, and purgative, allowing the mind, body, and soul to be cleansed and renewed. Learn More.

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Our yoga instructor Jose at the Onaya Center in Santa Helena, Peru.