The essential benefits of partaking in the plant medicine Ayahuasca seem to exceed the risks, at least in the spirits of tens of thousands of seekers flocking to the Ayahuasca healing retreats in the Amazon to embark on an internal and spiritual journey of a lifetime. Aside from the tremendous anecdotal reports about the spiritual development it offers, Ayahuasca is also obtaining traction in the scientific community as a potentially therapeutic substance. As preliminary studies into its impact on treating mental conditions such as addiction, anxiety, and depression keep rolling in, the brew’s prominence for psychological wellness healing is becoming more recognized and empirically established.
Depression and Anxiety
This emotional and mental ailment affects over 350 million people worldwide; depression is one of the most prevalent global mental disorders – and Ayahuasca seems to be proving very efficient against it. In a recent study conducted in Brazil, the researchers witnessed immediate “antidepressant effects within the first hours after administering Ayahuasca” to treatment-resistant patients. These effects of a single sitting lasted for several weeks.
The eight results match the analysis of a former academic paper, which discusses that harmine, the main compound of the plant Ayahuasca, could have this type of depressant impact on the central nervous system of both animals and humans. As a typical associate with depression, anxiety plagues some 260 million people throughout the world. Yet again, Ayahuasca appears to show great scientific potential in treating this condition.
A study conducted on members of the Santo Daime church (a syncretic religion that utilizes Ayahuasca legally for ritual purposes) observed sustained lower scores on measures of panic-like anxiety and hopelessness shortly after ingesting the tea. Ayahuasca’s results on anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, and coping with grief are objectives of an indeterminate study at the Ayahuasca healing center, “Temple of the Way of Light,” in collaboration with the research organization, ICEERS.
These results will be revealing of the various mental health potentials of the Amazonian vine.

Substance abuse is a global plague fought for too long under the misleading and misguided guise of a “war on drugs.” The reality is that substances such as alcohol, which can create severe addiction and significant harm to individuals, families, and communities, are legally used in most parts of the world. In contrast, when used correctly, most psychedelics are effective medicines. Yet, they are placed and evaluated as drugs of abuse such as heroin and crack cocaine.
Many societies have deep-rooted double standards regarding mind
Many societies have deep-rooted double standards regarding mind-altering substances and sustain arbitrary rules that have been established decades ago out of fear rather than as a determination of thorough research. Nevertheless, Ayahuasca seems to be able to treat people to overcome addictive behaviors. A review of the research study into Ayahuasca as a possible medicine for healing addiction highlights encouraging’ results yet remarks that more conclusive studies are needed.
Although it’s not yet an official, peer-reviewed study like this paper chronicles the success of abusers of various substances who have undergone several months of Ayahuasca treatments combined with psychological therapy and communal living in a retreat center in Peru. The work done by the center alleges the improvement of the lives of 62% of its patients for the better.
Similarly, an observational study found a decrease in self-reported levels of dependence on alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine in a community of Ayahuasca drinkers in Canada. The survey comprised Ayahuasca ceremonies as complements to group counseling sessions.
General Health & Beyond
The healing process of Ayahuasca probably accomplishes some of these effects by diffusing problematic patterns of emotional response that we may succumb to, pushing one into self-destructive thoughts and actions. As a recent study outlines, the brew increases our ability to think divergently. It decreases convergent reasoning, making us get out of our ‘mental box’ and analyze different perspectives, unavailable thoughts when stuck in certain habits, and conditioned reactions. In addition, studies reveal that molecules in Ayahuasca w produce new brain cells in laboratory experiments.

The Beckley Foundation
The Beckley Foundation and the findings that this Amazonian tea stimulates new brain cell growth and reduces judgmental processing of our experiences and inner reactivity- the mechanism of its action starts making sense. Ayahuasca seems to create new associations in our brain and even new brain matter that changes the way we perceive and react, and some of those changes seem to stay with us after the experience.
Ayahuasca can boost creativity for healthy individuals in many different ways, including for painters and animators who portray the sublime visions of the brew in such spectacular ways. The ayahuasca experience can be very, very deep. People often experience emotional catharsis and perceive inner images or lessons that are personally meaningful and ten profoundly enlightening. This sphere is only the first step.
After the experiences
After the experiences, the depths of the inner journey require a level of personal reflection, respect, and ‘integration’ to help truly harvest the fruits of Ayahuasca. The research into Ayahuasca’s benefits is still in the preliminary stages. Yet, the results are being continuously reported in mainstream media across the world for important reasons. Humanity is getting desperate to find natural cures for the rising depression, addiction, and related mental health issues.
The brew long revered by indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest is more than medicine. For many people, Ayahuasca is a spirit, a relationship, and a way of life. Ayahuasca represents what appears to be a fundamental paradigm change in how we understand the illness, disease, well-being, and the heights of human flourishing and evolution.
Ayahuasca Healing retreat – 3 days/2 nights Ayahuasca healing retreats – Atlanta Georgia – US

Ayahuasca healing retreats USA, Temple of UMI An extension of Etnikas Healing Center (San Salvador, Peru). Whether you are on a self-discovery quest or seeking to heal your soul and your spirit from past trauma, we are here, holding spaces for you as you go through this healing journey. We honor your courage and applaud your decision to get closer to the universe. We are here to serve you in the utmost sacred process toward true consciousness.
Journey well!!
Effects of Ayahuasca Healing retreat
Albeit Ayahuasca Healing retreats are plausibly safe, utilizing any substance relegated as a medicine always carries some health jeopardies. It’s essential to be prudently cautious when undertaking any endeavor of taking this plant medicine.
Ayahuasca influences everyone uniquely, predicated on:
the individual’s personality, weight, size, and health
Whether th person is taking other drugs simultaneously or around the same time.
the amount’s taken at any time
The vigor of the decoction
The effects of ingesting Ayahuasca Healing are subjective and may include:
regurgitating and nausea (caused by imbibing the decoction) or after the medicine ingested
feelings of unity of self and connection to the macrocosm
self-examination and deep introspection
profound vision and auditory dreams
encountering puissant emotions (crying, whimpering, yarning)
a degree of apprehensiveness
a moderate increase or decrease in blood pressure and heart rate
incremented or decremented body temperature.
*When Ayahuasca’s ingested in a traditional or ritual environment, these effects are perceived as purging and become a component of the spiritual cleansing or rejuvenating journey.

Ayahuasca Healing retreat – Deplorable trips
Ayahuasca Healing retreats- Sometimes people incline to call an experience that is unpleasant – a lamentable trip. But these experiences withal incline to be a component of repressed recollections of categorical life issues or childhood trauma that may have never been dealt with yet control the person’s deportment and are now part of their personality.
These experiences may include:
confronting and affrighting visions
profound perplexity and apprehensiveness
fear, shame, and regret
And, these experiences may be perceived or interpreted uniquely in a traditional or ritual setting, often translated as edifications and/or part of a rejuvenating and spiritual journey rather than entirely negative.
Long-term effects
Ayahuasca healing retreats do not appear to have long-term negative impacts on the body. Subsisting research shows that the long-term practice of Ayahuasca’s not connected with a decline in cognitive functioning or adverse phrenic health outcomes.
Ayahuasca Healing retreat – Dependency and Tolerance
Ayahuasca’s reiterated use does not implicatively insinuate callousness to the effects and appears to pose a minimal risk for dependence.
Health and Safety Plant Medicine.
There is no safe way to utilize any medicine that is a psychedelic drug, including. However, if you do decide to take Ayahuasca, it’s essential to consider the following:
It is arduous to prognosticate the potency and effects of Ayahuasca. And people can have very distinct experiences taking the same substance on different occasions.
People with categorical phrenic health ailments or a family history of these diseases should eschew utilizing Ayahuasca.
Sometimes other substances may be-sold claiming to-be Ayahuasca yet are not.
Utilization of Ayahuasca healing retreat is liable to be more perilous when:
taken in sequence with alcohol or other drugs.
driving or managing heftily ponderous machinery
judgment or motor coordination’s required
alone (in case medical avail is needed)
persons with concrete phrenic health issues.